Sunday, July 15, 2012

Didn't know I could title this..... ha!

Hokay so!

     This is my blog.  

     I though the first three hours (of six!) was really productive.  I had some trouble trying to come up with applications for the Soda article.  I didn't realize we were supposed to come up with a lesson plan for the last blog.  

     The librarian, whose name I can't remember, was really insightful.  She asked us a lot of questions that made me question some of the things I knew about being a teacher.  Also she was really friendly.  And she used her iPad to help teach us, what a coincidence.  

     Being with the other foreign language interns was useful.  Preston really helped me understand the purpose of the assignment.   We came up with a pretty decent lesson focussing on bans in ancient Rome.  

The second half of class was long and slow.  Yes, podcasts can be useful.  

This blog is short because I have way too much other homework to do.  The next one will be better.  


  1. Hi :) I'm wondering, do you have any details on the lesson plan you guys ended up developing? I'd be really interested in hearing about bans in ancient Rome, as I think the Roman empire is fascinating and I don't know much about the sort of bans they had there. Other than the content, how was your lesson plan structured, and how did it tie in the materials regarding the New York soda ban? I know, we all have a ton of work to do, but only two weeks to go! Good luck!

  2. Hey Dylan!

    I'm glad you guys found the librarian very helpful and useful. Our group's librarian was extremely helpful as well and knew a lot about not only how to search for and find things, but also how to put together a lesson plan and come up with something comprehensive. I knew librarians were made to be helpful, but not like that!

    Like Katherine, I was wondering if you had any more details about the lesson plan you guys came up with. Being about bans in Ancient Rome, I feel like it could definitely benefit me and the other social science majors so I'm curious as to what you guys thought up! How did Preston help you understand the purpose of the assignment? What did he convey to you was the purpose of the assignment? I'd really like to know how you guys interpreted the assignment and if you saw it differently than my group may have.
